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Rainbow Six Extraction Review | relief

Rainbow Six Extraction Review | relief

Despite its faltering launch and initial problems, Rainbow Six Siege quickly established itself as a multiplayer shooter unlike any other title, one that relied on careful planning and movement instead of running and shooting, and over time and as its player base continued to expand, the game got Like the hugely popular and applauded co-op mode Outbreak, Ubisoft decided to take advantage of this success and turn it into a standalone game called Rainbow Six Extraction that delves deeper into the Chimera parasite outbreak and the Rainbow Agency’s plans to stop it.

To face the unknown dangers that threaten the future of humanity, it needs an elite team in various fields, whether military, engineering or scientific, and for this reason, REACT was formed, which is the most important scientific research organization in the world, and part of the Rainbow Military Research Branch, consisting of One of the best scientists, engineers and technicians gathered from all over the world to face the threat of "Chimera", the unknown parasite that spread some time ago after a meteorite crash near the American city of New Mexico, and although Rainbow agents managed to contain the first wave of the parasite, but it returned again It has spread widely in many cities of the United States of America, and now it is the turn of the REACT team to confront the parasite and try to prevent its spread by studying “primitives” and collecting the information necessary to complete the process successfully through a set of missions that take place in 4 regions in the United States of America and include 12 different map.

Rainbow Six Extraction in a series of sequential missions to find facts about the parasite, collect samples, eliminate different nests and outposts, and although there are movie clips interspersed with these missions as you progress in the events, it makes no difference to you to pay attention to the story given the routine narrative style and scientific facts thrown in your face as if you were in a classroom, making the whole story as if it was a broader version of the training mode that introduces you to the mechanics of the gameplay at the beginning before diving into the main content, though, given that I love Rainbow Six Siege, it was It's great to see Rainbow Operators away from masks, weapons, and gear, and get to know them better. Without that, the story doesn't make much sense, and you'll automatically find yourself focusing on reaching higher ranks to unlock better missions and equipment and developing your team's capabilities to deal with more dangerous threats. Accuracy gives you the advantage in stressful situations where your colleagues collapse and fall one by one

Extraction gives you complete freedom to take on quests solo - which is not a recommended option - or co-op for up to three players, and since the game hasn't been officially released for a while, I spent a long time going through the quests completely solo which seemed fun at first while getting to know the The design of the stages and the different types of primitives and the ideal methods to eliminate them in the most quiet way, but over time the fun turned into repetition and boredom due to addressing the same goals with redistribution in each task in a different way, add to this the level of difficulty that does not fit with individual play and makes the task either easy Exaggerated, or unbearably difficult

Fortunately, the situation is completely different when it comes to the cooperative phase, and you will find yourself facing more difficult challenges and more powerful and intelligent enemies that are able to surprise you and your team with variable offensive methods that make random play always crowned with failures and disappointing endings, and rewards everyone who communicates with his colleagues and moves slowly and calmly and studies the situation well before Take any step, moreover, you can see what kind of challenges await you in the main screen right before the landing and then select the right agents for that task before you and your team set out to hunt and destroy nests, clear areas, serial survey, rescue and other challenges, on the side The other, and in the event that the situation gets out of hand, you can finish the task in the middle of it and be satisfied with what you have achieved to avoid any unexpected difficulties, or adventure and go through events to the end with the decline of your health condition and the loss of one of your colleagues, the decision is up to you in the end, but you have to bear the consequences of your decision, death is in the middle Mission means losing the used character and not being able to use it again until you get it back in a new mission, you will also lose all your progress and experience points, and you will be lost your final rank.

Random assortment of Rainbow Operators with no new


characters The game offers 18 Rainbow agents that are unlocked successively as you reach a higher rank, all of them have previously appeared in Siege without any new characters, some agents fit the nature of the game in general and can be used in any mission without a problem such as Lion and his ability to reveal places Enemies are in a specific range for a while, and Doc who plays a pivotal role in helping himself and his teammates when the situation gets complicated, in contrast, there are other less important characters like Vigil who disables enemies and makes them undetectable for a while, but once the bullets are fired To defend your team you will be exposed and face a deadly attack, or Ela who uses the Grzmot mine to stun enemies with very limited effect that is completely indistinguishable from other equipment such as smoke grenades and stun grenades, and frustratingly, some of these characters came at the expense of more important agents such as Kapkan and his defensive abilities. In the use of traps to prevent enemies from reaching the room, or Ash, which is characterized by speed and the ability to destroy targets from a distance, in addition to not introducing any new characters that appear for the first time, even though Siege got a number Huge clientele years after its launch.

Either way, you won't have a hard time finding the perfect minion that fits your playstyle and with 18 playable characters, but don't get too attached to him because sooner or later he'll be missing, and you'll have to touch other characters until you can save him and restore his health, so make Your options are always open, and don't always rely on one character so that you don't feel helpless later on as the challenge increases and the parasites develop unexpectedly.

Cooperative play first and foremost

 If you treat Rainbow Six Extraction only as a shooting game, you will suffer a lot, just like its older sister Siege, the game depends on communication with the rest of your team members and choosing characters that complement each other on the one hand, and tactical gameplay and moving slowly and studying the situation on the other hand, many customers have been lost And I failed several extractions due to the difficulty of communicating with my team or their ignoring instructions, for example, we reached the last stage of a mission and were about to complete it successfully, but instead of securing the room we are in, fortifying the walls and closing the doors before planting the bomb to disable the enemies as much as possible , my colleagues decided to activate the timer directly, and the result was that we found ourselves surrounded by crowds of enemies in the blink of an eye, with an excess of membrane spreading in every inch to hinder our movement and make it slower, let us all fall wounded and the mission ends in failure, and this situation will be repeated many times when addressing higher levels of difficulty such as “Harraj” or "extreme" where the smallest mistakes can cause bigger problems than you can imagine and waste all your efforts.

Instead of wandering around and shooting any parasite that gets in your way, you can take advantage of the special equipment that Rainbow agents have and give them an advantage to deal with different threats, this is done by leveling up and successfully completing extractions to get tech points that are used to unlock those Equipment, here the situation is different from what happens in Siege where all agents share the technologies available for use and are not limited to specific characters, for example but not limited to, you can use the drone or the reconnaissance tracker to search different rooms and find your target quickly before moving you and your team, or Use the protective shield to hold out for a longer period against your opponents until you can find a first aid bag, and the list includes several options such as recovery kits to recover injured agents, or Claymore explosives that are used as traps to prevent enemies from approaching the target and explode automatically as soon as any parasite is present in its vicinity, meaning Simpler, there are many options to use in each situation, most of them are locked and can only be used after reaching a certain rank.

The higher you rank and the more difficult the tasks available, the more the Chimera parasite ecosystem develops, for example it starts simply with nests scattered in the area, which will generate more enemies if you do not destroy them quickly, and the situation develops with armored nests that will face more difficulty In destroying them, germ carriers, disguised primitives and chimera mists, all of which are parasites that make your mission more difficult and require constant focus and cooperation to successfully defeat them, add to this the challenge to unprecedented levels in end-game content such as Maelstrom mode which is a harder version of the main game but more useful Instead of the usual cap of 3 goals in a row per match, Maelstrom costs you to complete 9 goals in a row in any random area, and to make things even more exciting, there is a different boom in each round to keep you ready and give you the chance to earn some extra experience points, For example, you might encounter thick fog that obscures your vision and makes it difficult to shoot accurately, or poisonous enemies that take a toll on your health just by touching them.

At the same time, the parasite's effect is not limited to the ecosystem, but includes many enemies with different abilities, such as primitives protected by armor that need to aim at their weak point to get rid of them quickly, the grunt that can run fast and surprise you before you realize what is happening around you, and the hacker The one who moves on all fours and has a huge dorsal hump will not hesitate to destroy it when he approaches you to drain your health, but if you are attentive enough, you can take advantage of the advantage he has against him, by detonating the hump while he is near other enemies, which will drain their energy It makes eliminating them easier.

Chimera parasites are constantly evolving!

All of these enemies are just a little introduction in preparation for what you will face next, as you reach higher ranks and unlock more technologies and agents, the parasite ecosystem in turn evolves and puts you against new and more difficult enemies such as the predator, the stalker and many more, which means that taking on a specific mission is in a lower rank and level Lower difficulty, radically different from dealing with the same task at a harder and higher rank, and the progression system of the game works based on more than one part, where customers advance separately, and the higher the rank of a specific customer, the more abilities and improvements he gets that sharpen his skill in infested areas, on On the other hand, there are less difficult challenges known as "studies" and vary from one mission to another such as eliminating a certain type of enemy, destroying nests or fortifying defenses, the experience points you gain from those studies and customer progress points are collected to raise the main rank of the player, and based on This rank, more areas, quests, weapons, equipment and characters are unlocked.

This system works in perfect harmony, rewarding those who play cautiously and enabling them to reach more difficult tasks, and punishing any random player by losing customers and preventing them from using them until they are recovered from the area in which they were lost, or suffering severe injuries that drain the character's health and force him to step aside for a period to recover from During the health points you get after completing each mission successfully, in the simplest sense, the progression system does not go in one direction, but rather is a reflection of the player's skill and how he has developed and learned from his mistakes over time.

Extraction has over 65 weapons, 10 Rainbow Six Siege technologies, and 15 exclusive REACT technologies, and if you have any previous knowledge of Siege, you'll know right away that there are drastic differences in the way each weapon is designed and worked, plus options Huge customization and diverse accessories that dramatically change the way weapons work according to your preferences, whether you're looking for more damage regardless of the noise you'll make, or target your opponents' weaknesses with a silencer to move around freely undetected, moreover, it extends Customization options to include various costumes and accessories available to each customer and can be unlocked automatically as the ranking progresses, plus there is a dedicated shop for real money purchases.


Extraction can't be considered a completely new experience, since it was originally inspired by the tactical shooter Siege and the Outbreak game mode, the game relied on the same Siege agents without introducing any new characters with a somewhat random roster missing many of the most important and influential characters, and events that lose their importance Over time due to the boring narrative style, but in return it expanded the tools and techniques available to use and provided cooperative matches that depend on waiting and thinking with your colleagues before taking any calculated step, amazing challenging level especially in the end-game content, enemies with exciting abilities and unexpected mutations that make operations Successful extractions are more difficult in many situations. 
