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Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection Review - Review

 Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection Review - Review


Remote locations, mysterious temples, lost cities and treasures that have lost their lives in search of treasure are the combination that has made the Uncharted franchise among the best, if not the best, action-adventure games of the last decade, not to mention the meticulously designed characters and unpredictable spontaneous performance. The exaggerated, dramatic plot that raises the level of tension and interaction to an unprecedented degree before taking you to a breathtaking enchanting scene in which the temples and archaeological statues of ancient civilizations hide behind trees, mountains and vast vegetation, to prevent any intruder from spoiling what ancestors spent their lives building.
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection takes us on two adventures that aren't quite  in terms of excitement, variety, storytelling and plot, Nathan Drake's last mission before freeing up his family entirely in A Thief's End, and a spin-off with treasure hunter Chloe Fraser and  
mercenary Nadine Ross in The Lost Legacy.

The end of a thief we always loved

Players know Drake well from the previous series, they knew him as a skilled adventurer who never misses his goal and a tireless treasure hunter who searches for ancient civilizations until he reaches what others have been unable to achieve, even if it costs him heavy losses, but in Uncharted 4 For a while, we'll see a different side to Drake. For a while, you'll forget about the reckless, adventurous Nathan and get to know Drake, a family man who gets up early to go to work, uneasy with the daily routine of searching for lost cargo in the open ocean instead of... Archaeological treasures, he always gives a helping hand to his family and friends and doesn't hesitate to do his homework, though, and behind that traditional image that reflects the lives of millions of people, Drake lives an internal conflict that tears him apart, tries hard to preserve his new life and establish a stable family, but he loses control of At times he sits down and wanders reminiscing about the past and the adventures he had before, as if he hasn't had enough yet and is looking for one last trip before he leaves his old life for good, so when his brother suddenly appears out of nowhere and offers to complete what he started before Over 20 years and finding the treasure of pirate Henry Avery, Nathan has found every excuse to embark on this adventure, even the flimsiest of excuses that will turn his life upside down.

On his quest to find Libertalia, the legendary city built by pirates and who kept within its walls all the treasures they collected throughout their conquests, Drake embarks on an unforgettable and ground-breaking adventure in narrative style, character design and justification. Once again, Naughty Dog studio excels at focusing on the dynamism of action. And the situations themselves without neglecting the main plot that connects all the threads together, there are very emotional moments that will make you accept the changes and surprises you face, and spaces for self-reflection where the main characters become naked and exposed without any secrets, however, the development team does not leave an outlet for the players and transports them from a chase Whether you find yourself clinging to a rope dangling from a military vehicle chasing your brother and trying to kill him by all means, or suddenly awakening on the shores of Liberalia that you thought was a fictional city that did not exist after years of failing to find it, in Uncharted 4 the events remain the same. Excitement and fun from the first moment to the last.

I can talk about characters like Sully and Elena for hours and praise the studio's incredible efforts in building realistic characters whose actions resonate widely with players and believe their actions stem from their experiences and pasts that we know so well, but I'll single out Sam Drake, Nathan's brother who first appeared in the sequel. Fourth, and in a short period of time, his overwhelming presence, persuasive words, and spontaneous behavior with his younger brother were enough to make players cling to him and believe him, thanks not only to the character design, but also to the ability of Naughty Dog to give players enough time and events to learn about his past and his previous life without procrastinating negatively affecting the Your final judgment, or an exaggerated speed that makes many periods of his life mysterious and unknown, and with the vocal and kinetic performance of "Troy Baker", Sam managed to include me in his fan list, and I probably liked his performance more than Nathan himself in many situations.

Studio Naughty Dog did not invent the wheel in terms of gameplay mechanics, but the game continued along the same path as the gameplay diverged into three categories, including shoot-outs, puzzle solving, climbing skills and jumping on the ruins of ancient civilizations. The game also saw much larger environments than its previous parts, With the ability to roam and explore in unfamiliar ways, and although this combination has proven successful in all previous versions of the series and fits the events of the game perfectly without pushing players to customization and development options that may negatively affect their interaction with the story, the gameplay of the clashes, and even the choices of Stealth and stealth are both too simple, to name a few, you can't use simple accessories like a silencer or adjust the sight to your liking, and although Lost Legacy allowed me to use a pistol that was already equipped with a silencer, it didn't fit the stage design Exactly and it was very easy to get rid of enemies easily without making any fuss, on the other hand, you can't even throw stones to distract enemies while using stealth technique, all What you can do is stay in the green to get out of sight, and add to that the obvious problem of AI even on higher difficulty levels, where enemies don't cover their entire space properly - as happened later in The Last of Us 2 - which means they are They are scattered and do not notice the sudden disappearance of their colleagues, like sheep that have lost their way and are alone with the wolves one by one.

Searching for a lost legacy in the mountains of India

Nathan Drake spent most of his life searching for ancient civilizations and rare artifacts until he decided to stop touching this work again and enjoy his time with his family, but Drake's old partners did not follow in his footsteps, as Chloe Frazer decided to find a new adventure in southern Asia, specifically the mountains of "India". I hope to find an artifact called The Tusk of Ganesha for various reasons that the character reveals as events unfold.

Chloe embarks on her trip to India - 12 months after the events of the fourth part - with a visit to one of the cities witnessing bombing and bloody clashes between the Indian government and the rebels, and after a quick tour of the popular neighborhoods and an exchange of conversations with a young girl to explain the impact of the conflict on the population, and the loss of Most families marry their husbands and sons either by being abused by the rebels or by volunteering in the hope of ending the civil war. Chloe may have been affected by her conversation with the girl, but those feelings quickly faded as soon as she found a way to enter the conflict zone to face a series of difficult moments ending with meeting Nadine and then determining the search area from which their journey will start.

The Lost Legacy is an extension of the past and offers almost the same elements with limited changes, starting with the battle system based on the player's reaction speed when facing his enemies and pressing a group of buttons quickly in certain situations to get rid of your opponent and offering a set of interactive situations designed with mastery and complete craftsmanship in style The most famous action movies, the same with the clashes with firearms that did not bring anything new and leave the player the freedom to deal with his opponents in semi-open environments by hiding and hiding behind walls and exploiting the design of the environment to reach the goal in more than one way, add to that Chloe’s ability to open locks and find on supplies.
Naughty Dog Studio managed to impress me once again with the way the characters are presented and each of them has a different charisma, rationale and reactions that bring out different sides at many times, in addition to the compelling backstory of Asaph, the main antagonist, which the player gets to know through the chat And side conversations, at the same time the studio has the ability to convince you to change your point of view and force you to sympathize with anyone with some situations that provoke feelings, such as Cole’s attitude towards her father and feelings of anger towards him, which explains her selfish behavior in many situations, or Nadine, who bears herself the burden of failure to maintain Despite her father's wealth and his work, which caused her to turn into a mercenary who does not trust anyone but herself, even Asaf, the leader of the rebels in India, despite being provocative and sassy, ​​has his own motives that explain what he is doing even if you do not agree with him, and this is clearly shown in his pursuit of The artifact that he believes is his right, given that it belongs to his ancient ancestors.

The settings of India were generally similar to any other place with dense vegetation that the series had previously visited, the main difference here is the monuments, statues and tombs with designs indicating Hindu culture or Indian culture in general, the graphic level of the title was great overall and no less efficient than the main game Whether in the use of lighting in a cinematic way that gives clear differences to each scene, or in the technical details that are present in each area and make exploring and roaming within it a matter of the eyes, the sounds also did not reduce the quality and mastery, whether the soundtrack or the way each character interacts with what is happening in an automatic manner without An exaggeration, however, and with the fact that the game was supposed to be released as additional content for the fourth part, the events of Lost Legacy are short and succinct, which negatively affected some of the elements that characterized the fourth part, such as spending a long period to learn about the past of each character, or the diversity of tasks and addressing more than A completely different country.

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection offers a 60fps performance mode, a resolution mode targeting 4K resolution, as well as a 120fps resolution and 1080p performance, but in reality, these games were graphically stunning when they came out and still are, When playing these titles in 4K, it would not be an exaggeration to describe them as better graphically than most games released in the recent period, but they will also be able to compete with future games for years without showing any traces of their age

Last but not least, it was frustrating that the multiplayer mode of Part 4 and the survival mode of Lost Legacy were dropped from the group for no apparent reason, especially since the group competitions provided diversity and excitement that maintained the game's success for several years after its release.


 The Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection offers players the opportunity to experience the events of one of the best adventure games in Uncharted 4 with 4K resolution that showcases the impressive graphical level of the game released six years ago, the narrative narrative, the dramatic plot, and the overwhelming presence of the characters in an adventure that will not leave you breathless even for a moment due to the sequence of events And the Surprises you'll come across all the time, on the other hand, Lost Legacy offers a shorter ride on a smaller scale that wasn't on par with Part IV.
